These are Tubular. Totally. These are not Butt-Ugly PJs. They are not Grody but rather Gnarly. Rock on Valley Girls and Studs… WY Fly Fishing Trips, Guided Fly Fishing Outfitters, Wind River
Get great Dubois WY fly fishing guides information, find guided fly fishing outfitters, watch videos and more. A Blogger fly fishing blog from Wyoming.
VIDEO Gov Matt Mead Dedicates Wyoming Assisted Living Facility
New video with highlights of the Wyoming Assisted Living Center, Warm Valley Lodge Mead Dedicates Warm Valley Lodge In Dubois WY
With a smile and flourish of his scissors, and with more than 125 visitors, board members, and dignitaries adding their applause, Governor Matt Mead cut the bright red ribbon dedicating the newly-completed Warm Valley Lodge, Wyoming’s newest and most modern assisted living facility. Wyoming Assisted Living Center Will Get A Visit From Gov. Matt Mead 7/3/13
Governor Matt Mead and his wife First Lady Carol Mead will fly into Dubois Wednesday, July 3 to celebrate a ribbon-cutting and dedication ceremony for the town’s new assisted living facility. Wild Trout On The Wind River: Holmes Ditch Project VIDEO
Great post about wild trout conservation in Wyoming. New video explains Fly Fishing Dubois Wyoming: Photos
Great day on the water and a whole lot of fun!
These were all taken in the Wind River near Dubois Wyoming. January 5th, 2013.
Here is the slideshow.
Here is a link to the album on Picasa
Winter Fly Fishing Dubois Wyoming 2013 |